Saturday, October 29, 2011

Iraq4Good Magazine, Why??

It's a rainy day, both in Baghdad and Erbil it's been raining heavily since yesterday, and everybody in here is talking about rain, and it became the most mentioned topic in Facebook, Twitter and blogs, everybody's describing  how rain is a sign for a good year inshallah for Iraq and Iraqis (I wish that too), so about raining I have started my first topic in my new blog-spot wishing to achieve what I'm planning for.
The idea of establishing new simple entertaining magazine have come to me when I was arguing with a friend of mine about the number of Iraqis who still read and keep on track with "what is going on" around us.
Do they know what are the new trends?? new technologies?? do they have their own ideas or they'll keep doing the "stupid copy-paste" thing, even without knowing what they are copying.
Deep deep inside me I know that there are great potentials in our society especially among young people, so I have decided to start this e-magazine to publish some ideas and ask young people to publish their own too and to give a small simple space for them to express what they want to do.
I'm not saying that I'll try to fix the society, or make who will join me super stars, I'm just editing few pages with few simple topics to help out young people to express themselves just as I would by starting this magazine.
I'll do the whole work in the first issue and I hope it will do well and I'll get the support to do better in the next one.

Wish you nice cloudy day



  1. wet blog
    you start blogging in rainy day so you can put rainy photo for background of your blog and Blogger offer this photo in design

  2. Iraqi Blogger, thank you very much for passing by and spending time to preview the blog, also thanks for your notice, but I think the rain was about the starting only and the subject mainly was about my idea "the e-magazine" thing.

    Thank you very much

  3. I love the idea and hope that this rainy start leads to a wonderful rainbow of accomplishments.
    Iraq is desperate for people like you.

    Good luck.
